Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Taking a Break

I have taken a break from sewing. I have lots of other things on my plate right now. So, I will have to post pictures when I get more done. I have done a little more than what I have actually posted, but not enough. I was going strong. I probably could have finished it in the three weeks if I actually sat down and did it. Like I said lots of distractions. I actually miss it. I figured my posting would slow down and I was right. I did go to the Rangers Home Opener yesterday. It was lots of fun. I have lots of pictures to share including my annual visit to Scaraborough Faire. I actually have not missed a weekend of this in about five years. Something about new seasons. I guess the idea of everything being so fresh and the spunk involved. The same feeling we get as teachers in August. Everything is so new and has not worn out its welcome. So, good luck Rangers and Scarborough fans. I hope your season is a great one.