Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Slow, slow, slow

Have I really slowed down or what? I have not blogged in a long time. I am sure my readers are just yearning to know what is going on with me. Well, here is the short end of it. I taught science camp to the 5th graders for three weeks, had an Easter celebration, sewed on the blanket and to top it all off had food poisoning. NICE. 

Well, I am going to be better about this. I really like doing it. I have pictures to upload of the blanket. It is actually almost finished. Just trying to figure out the right backing to use. I am going to take it up to the fabric store the next time we go. I think I have a pretty good idea on what I want to use, but am learning a lot about the sewing world. I don't think I will ever get way into it like some people, but just enjoying the little bit I am doing.