Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break is here!

Now I am not sure if I like that it is spring or the break. I think a little of both. It is nice to see all the plants and trees coming back to life again, by showing their true beauty. I really wish I had more planned for my break, but why do I feel like I always have to go somewhere? I think it is because I like to travel and stay in hotels. Just fun to get away from home.
We decided against a last minute trip to Chicago because we knew we had found it cheaper about a month ago and wanted to save the money for our big summer trip. Right now our plan is to go to Paris, but we will see how that will work out for us. At least we want to go to Europe again. Got to get another use out of the passport. Plus EVERYONE says we must travel before children. And who knows when that will be.
So we are going to work around the house and take a small trip up to the Choctaw casino on Wed. Hopefully, I will have some luck and win big.
Bought some sample paints for the house and will be painting both bathrooms and the office before the week is up. Hopefully we will get all of the touch up stuff finished as well. We are even thinking about buying new living room furniture. And we want to paint our bedroom, plus start a garden, buy a lawnmower and weed eater. That sounds like a busy week to me. Hopefully we accomplish something on this list. I just feel like our house is blah because we have nothing that connects. All of our furniture is just a pish posh of what we had when we got married, so time to update. Now is as good a time as any.


  1. Absolutely with you on the "like to travel and stay in hotels" thing. Just something about it that shouts ADVENTURE!

    Good luck on all the projects. Sounds like it'll be a very busy week. :)

  2. Well, we have bought the paints and I know we can get at least two of the rooms painted this weekend. And I am good to go on your two-toned idea for the bedroom. I even like the creme stripe you mentioned. I think that could be cool.

    And if they have Double Dragon up at Choctaw they won't know what hit them. We are coming home rich people.
